Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Year, New You, New Business Giveaway February 4-11 2013 Look More Professional, Get More Organized, and Increase Your Web Presence. The new year is a time for reflection and renewal. A time to set new goals and dreams. A time to challenge yourself . Thinking Outside The Sandbox wants to help you achieve your goals and make your dream...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mini Easter Egg Cookies!

This couldn't be easier.  I've been trying to think of something festive for the upcoming holiday (Easter) to put in my kids lunchboxes, and this is definitely a keeper!  Thanks to our friends at the Yummy Mummy Club for sharing this one! Mini Easter Egg Cookies Ingredients: 1 cup butter (softened) 1 cup packed brown...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What do you pack for lunch CONTEST!

I used to be a really really organized person before I had kids. My grocery list was a printed out and laminated sheet of everything I ever buy, with checkboxes next to each item. Every week i would meal plan each meal my husband and I would make (breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks) and I would create the master grocery list by checking...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How does our Facebook Party work?

With Bumblebee Toys and Jilly Bo Billy's approaching Facebook party coming up, we've been getting this question a lot!  Anyone can participate in this party, and it will be happening on our Facebook page. When: April 8th 2011 from 12:30pm - 2:30pm PST Where: Bumblebee Toys Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/bumblebeetoys) There is...

Grow your own Easter grass!

All-Natural Living Grass Easter Basket!  Tired of the plastic "grass" we typically use to fill our children's Easter baskets?  Try an easy and environmental alternative; growing your own Easter basket grass!  Not only is it incredibly easy and fun, but children will be delighted when they get to be a part of the project. Children...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winter is here and so are the Snow-Ballers!!

It has been a much anticipated event.  We've already gotten oodles of orders for the Snow-Baller and Snow-Block, and so when the CanPar man knocked on our door at 7pm tonight, I yanked my daughter and we raced outside together to test these babies out.  This will explain why these photos are taking in the dark! :) The Snow-Baller...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Capitol Theatre and Bumblebee Toys Entertain the Kids of the Kootenays

Yo Ho Ho, it's off to the Capitol Kids Series we go! Nelson BC – The Capitol Theatre joins with BumblebeeToys.com to offer a fun giveaway for young theatre goers attending shows for the Capitol Kids Series.  Bumblebee Toys is generously donating two large wooden Venture Pirate Ships valued at $200 each to be given away live during...

"The Meadow" at Bumblebee Toys Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino | Distributed by Deluxe Templates